Dimension Service API  2.0.0
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Dimension Service API Errors

Error Code Description
DIM-001001 The requested dimension does not exist.
DIM-001002 Attempted to assign a dimension's id field when creating a new dimension. This field is set by the system and cannot be configured. Use the name field as an externally-configurable identifier.
DIM-001003 Attempted to create a dimension with a blank or undefined name field. This field is required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001004 Attempted to create a dimension using the same name value as another dimension. Dimension names are used as external identifiers and must be unique.
DIM-001006 Attempted to alias an unknown dimension. Creating an alias requires a valid source dimension. This can be caused by using the wrong source ID, or by using the alias operation when actually intending to create a completely new, independent dimension.
DIM-001010 Two or more conflicting operations on the same dimension occurred at approximately the same time and this operation was cancelled as a result.
DIM-001011 Attempted to rename a dimension to a blank or undefined value. Names are required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001012 Attempted to rename a dimension to a name value that is already used by another dimension. Dimension names are used as external identifiers and must be unique.
DIM-001013 Attempted to create a dimension without specifying any locales for its label(s).
DIM-001014 Attempted to create a dimension with specifying which of its locales is the default.
DIM-001015 Attempted to create a dimension using one or more geographically-specific locales (e.g. en-US) without also including the basic, non-geographic language (e.g. en) first. Always start with the most general locale (i.e. the language alone) and only add regional variants as necessary.
DIM-001016 An unspecified error occurred while attempting to write or retrieve data. Please retry the operation; if the error continues please contact PROS for support.
DIM-001100 Attempted to delete the special root aspect All dimensions have a root aspect and it cannot be deleted except by removing its entire dimension.
DIM-001101 The requested dimension aspect does not exist.
DIM-001102 Attempted to assign an aspects's id field when creating a new dimension aspect. This field is set by the system and cannot be configured. Use the name field as an externally-configurable identifier.
DIM-001103 Attempted to create an aspect with a blank or undefined name field. This field is required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001104 Attempted to create an aspect using the same name value as another aspect in the same dimension. Aspect names are used as external identifiers and must be unique within its enclosing dimension.
DIM-001110 Two or more conflicting operations on the same dimension aspect occurred at approximately the same time and this operation was cancelled as a result.
DIM-001111 Attempted to rename an aspect to a blank or undefined value. Names are required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001112 Attempted to rename an aspect to a name value that is already used by another aspect in the same dimension. Aspect names are used as external identifiers and must be unique.
DIM-001200 Attempted to delete the special root node All dimensions have a root node and it cannot be deleted except by removing its entire dimension.
DIM-001201 The requested dimension node does not exist.
DIM-001202 Attempted to assign a node's id field when creating a new dimension node. This field is set by the system and cannot be configured. Use the name field as an externally-configurable identifier.
DIM-001203 Attempted to create a node with a blank or undefined name field. This field is required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001204 Attempted to create a node using the same name value as another node in the same dimension. Node names are used as external identifiers and must be unique within its enclosing dimension.
DIM-001206 Attempted to assign the aspect field when creating a dimension node. The URI for creating a new node identifies the new node's parent aspect, so it is not necessary to assign it separately in the request payload.
DIM-001208 At least one of the specified ancestor nodes does not exist, or exists in an aspect different than what was specified in the request.
DIM-001209 Attempted to assign an ancestor to a node and the ancestor belongs to the same aspect. A node's ancestors must not belong to the node's own aspect.
DIM-001210 Attempted to set a node's ancestry for the root aspect. The relationship from any node to the special root node is implicit and should not be set or altered. Since there is exactly one(1) possible value in the root aspect (the special root node), no modification is necessary.
DIM-001211 Attempted to assign more than one ancestor from the same aspect. A node may have at most one(1) ancestor per other aspect.
DIM-001212 One or more ancestor aspect references failed to specify either the aspectID field, the nodeName field, or both. At least one of these two fields is required, and must not be blank or only whitespace.
DIM-001213 One or more ancestor aspect references failed to specify either the nodeID field, the nodeName field, or both. At least one of these two fields is required, and must not be blank or only whitespace.
DIM-001214 Creating a new node failed because one of its defined ancestors referenced an aspect that does not exist in the dimension.
DIM-001215 Creating a new node failed because one of its defined ancestors referenced another node that does not exist in the dimension.
DIM-001220 Two or more conflicting operations on the same dimension node occurred at approximately the same time and this operation was cancelled as a result.
DIM-001221 Attempted to rename a node to a blank or undefined value. Names are required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001222 Attempted to rename a node to a name value that is already used by another node in the same dimension. Node names are used as external identifiers and must be unique.
DIM-001223 The request could not be completed because it referenced an unknown node attribute. Please review the current list of node attributes defined for the dimension.
DIM-001224 The request to update a node's ancestry failed for one or more reasons. See also: DIM-001225 DIM-001226
DIM-001225 Could not update node ancestry because one of the ancestors referenced an aspect that does not exist in the dimension.
DIM-001226 Could not update node ancestry because one of its defined ancestors referenced another node that does not exist in the dimension.
DIM-001227 Could not update node ancestry because the HTTP request has no payload, or the payload is corrupt.
DIM-001228 Could not search for a node because search functionality has not been configured for this dimension. Dimension indexing configuration can be inspected or updated for this dimension using the dimension indexing API.
DIM-001401 The requested node attribute does not exist.
DIM-001402 Attempted to assign a node attribute's id field when creating a new node attribute. This field is set by the system and cannot be configured. Use the name field as an externally-configurable identifier.
DIM-001403 Attempted to create a node attribute with a blank or undefined name field. This field is required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001404 Attempted to create a node attribute using the same name value as another node attribute in the same dimension. Attribute names are used as external identifiers and must be unique within its enclosing dimension.
DIM-001407 Attempted to create or update attributes for a given node, where both the attribute definition name and id were absent. At least one of these identifiers is required for the attempted operation.
DIM-001410 Two or more conflicting operations on the same node attribute occurred at approximately the same time and this operation was cancelled as a result.
DIM-001411 Attempted to rename a node attribute to a blank or undefined value. Names are required and must consist of more than whitespace.
DIM-001412 Attempted to rename a node attribute to a name value that is already used by another node in the same dimension. Node names are used as external identifiers and must be unique.
DIM-001413 Could not save the node attribute because its default value does not match the data type defined by the attribute.
DIM-001415 Could not save the node attribute because its default value does not satisfy all of the value constraints defined by the attribute. Please review the attribute's validation constraints and ensure that none are violated by the default value.
DIM-001416 Could not save the node attribute because the provided value was outside the allowed range of values defined for the attribute. Please review the attribute's validation constraints and ensure that none are violated by the new value.
DIM-001417 Could not save the node attribute value because the new value exceeded the maximum allowed length defined for the attribute.
DIM-001418 Could not save the node attribute value because the new value exceeded the maximum allowed size (in bytes) for the attribute.
DIM-001419 Attempted to save an attribute value, but the value sent was not the expected data format. This can occur when sending string data for a numeric value, vice-versa, etc.
DIM-001420 Could not save the node attribute value because the request payload was empty or malformed.
DIM-001500 Recieved a localized label object with an unspecified (empty) locale field. Each label object must identify the locale associated with its textual value.
DIM-001501 Recieved a localized label object with an empty or undefined value.
DIM-001503 Updating labels for this object failed for one or more reasons. See the returned error details for more information.
DIM-004001 A query parameter value was provided but did not match the expected data type. Please refer to the API documentation for the operation, correct the request, and try again.
DIM-005204 A batch request was attempted, but the request payload was empty.
DIM-005205 The batch request contained invalid input, or the payload was corrupt. Please review the request payload for errors. Issues that can cause this error may include, but are not necessarily limited to: Missing required fields Identifier spelling or capitalization mistakes Explicit null literals where null...
DIM-005404 The batch request contained a reference to an unknown item.
DIM-005405 The batch request contained a node reference without a dimension name or ID. For this batch operation, all node references are required to specify a dimension, either by name or by ID.
DIM-005413 The batch request contained too many requested items. For performance and resource utilization reasons, batch requests are limited to a maximum set of items per request. Please reduce the number of items per batch request and try again. Send multiple, smaller batch requests in parallel, if needed.
DIM-006000 The specified dimension is not configured to be indexed automatically. Please enable automatic indexing by sending a privileged POST request to the relevant end-point.
DIM-006001 The search index could not be created, please try sending the request again. This usually means that there was a network issue between the dimension service and the search engine that prevented the service from creating the index.
DIM-006002 The integration with the search service is not configured in the dimension service instance. The service queue and the search engine endpoints need to be configured correctly and reachable from the dimension service instance in order to use the search features.
DIM-006003 The specified tenant is not configured to be indexed automatically. Please enable automatic indexing by sending a privileged POST request to the relevant end-point.
DIM-006004 The specified tenant is currently performing indexing operations. Indexing requests for the specified dimension will be disregarded during this period. Please review indexing status of the specified dimension and tenant by sending a GET request to the relevant end-point.
DIM-007000 The query object within a search request cannot be null.
DIM-007002 If the attribute field within a query object is provided, this field cannot be blank.
DIM-007003 The sort object must contain a non-blank field value. Valid values are 'name', 'labels' or the desired attribute name.
DIM-007004 The sort object must contain a non-blank order value.
DIM-007005 The order field can only contain the value 'asc' or 'desc'.
DIM-007006 The type field within the sort object is not a valid type. Valid types are 'base64', 'decimal', 'integer', 'percent', 'datetime', 'date', and 'text'.
DIM-007007 The locale field within the sort object cannot be blank if it was supplied.